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Search results for feet

(2) Maldives Whether your dream beach trip consists of spending a few pampered nights in a four-star resort or swimming among tropical fish some 80 feet (24 meters) underwater, the Maldives are the sort of islands where either—or both—can come true. Straddling the
Day 1: Alternating Dumbbell Hammer Curls Feet shoulder width, alternating dumbbell hammer curls. Keep elbows slightly bent. Keep knees slightly bent. Begin with 10 lb dumbbells.
Day 1: Alternating Dumbbell Hammer Curls Feet shoulder width, alternating dumbbell hammer curls. Keep elbows slightly bent. Keep knees slightly bent. Begin with 10 lb dumbbells.
Day 1: Dumbbell Baby Arm Circles Dumbbell Baby Arm Circles. Your feet should be together with your arms parallel to the floor. Perform a circular movement keeping your elbows slightly bent. Begin with 5 lb dumbbells.
Day 1: Dumbbell Halo Dumbbell halo. Standing with your feet shoulder width, circle your head with the dumbbell rotating the weight around, behind and in front of you. Begin with 15 lb dumbbell.
Day 1: Elbow Flaring Upward Row Feet shoulder width, elbow flaring upward row. Raise both dumbbells up together to chin. Begin with 10 lb dumbbells.
Day 1: Elbow Flaring Upward Row Feet shoulder width, elbow flaring upward row. Raise both dumbbells up together to chin. Begin with 20 lb dumbbells.
Day 1: Incline Bench, Frontal Raise Incline bench 45 degrees, frontal raise. Bring feet together to prevent swiping leg with weights. Keep elbows slightly bent. Raise to chest level bringing dumbbells together. Begin with 15 lb dumbbells.
Day 1: Kettlebell Forearm Curl Feet shoulder width, kettlebell forearm curl. Keep elbows tight to body curling weight from your belt to your chin. Begin with 20 lb kettlebell.
Day 1: Lateral Dumbbell Fly Lateral dumbbell fly. Kick hips back. Bring feet together with a slightly forward lean for proper back alignment. Begin with 10 lb dumbbells.
Day 1: Lateral Dumbbell Fly Lateral dumbbell fly. Kick hips back. Bring feet together with a slightly forward lean for proper back alignment. Begin with 15 lb dumbbells.
Day 2: Dumbbell Front Squat Dumbbell front squat. Feet shoulder width with the dumbbells resting on your shoulders. Toes pointed out slightly. Keep elbows tight and parallel to the floor. This will put emphasis on your core. Begin using 15 lb dumbbells.
Day 2: Dumbbell Front Squat Dumbbell front squat. Feet shoulder width with the dumbbells resting on your shoulders. Toes pointed out slightly. Keep elbows tight and parallel to the floor. This will put emphasis on your core. Begin using 10 lb dumbbells.
Day 2: Dumbbell Reverse Grip Chest Press Dumbbell reverse grip chest press. Standing with your feet slightly wider that shoulder width, bring two dumbbells together keeping your elbows raised parallel to the floor. Begin with 20 lb dumbbells.
Day 2: Forward Walking Dumbbell Lunge Forward walking dumbbell lunge. Come down 90 degrees with your core upright and your back straight. Rise all the way back up bringing your feet together before going into opposite leg lunge. Begin using 20 lb dumbbells.
Day 2: Forward Walking Dumbbell Lunge Forward walking dumbbell lunge. Come down 90 degrees with your core upright and your back straight. Rise all the way back up bringing your feet together before going into opposite leg lunge. Begin using 20 lb dumbbells.
Day 2: Seated, Dumbbell Open High Chest Fly Seated, dumbbell open high chest fly. Keep your feet together and lower back against the bench. Start with both weights resting on your thighs together.
Day 2: Side Lunge, Lateral Step Up, Lateral Leg Raise Start with your feet together. Side lunge, lateral step up to lateral leg raise. Focus on smooth transitioning. Keep one hand behind your back to put emphasis on your core. Think soft landing.
Day 2: Side Lunge, Lateral Step Up, Lateral Leg Raise Start with your feet together. Side lunge, lateral step up to lateral leg raise. Focus on smooth transitioning. Keep one hand behind your back to put emphasis on your core. Think soft landing.
Day 2: Wide Arm Push Up Wide arm push up. Spread arms about 1.5 x shoulder width and legs as wide as tuck the balls of your feet into the floor. Keep your fingers pointed forward.
Day 3: Alternating Dumbbell Torso Twist to Forward Back Extension Alternating dumbbell torso twist to forward back extension. Feet should be shoulder width and your elbows parallel to the floor. Dumbbells are centered on your chest with both knuckles facing each other. Come back to the center after twisting to each side. Begin using 10 lb dumbbells.
Day 3: Alternating Dumbbell Torso Twist to Forward Back Extension Alternating dumbbell torso twist to forward back extension. Feet should be shoulder width and your elbows parallel to the floor. Dumbbells are centered on your chest with both knuckles facing each other. Come back to the center after twisting to each side. Begin using 10 lb dumbbells.
Day 3: Cable Pulley Station, Low Row Seated, cable pulley station, low row. Feet together fully extended sitting upright. Grab hold of both handles and row through keeping your elbows as close to your sides as possible. Begin setting cable to 30 lbs.
Day 3: Cable Pulley Station, Low Row Seated, cable pulley station, low row. Feet together fully extended sitting upright. Grab hold of both handles and row through keeping your elbows as close to your sides as possible. Begin setting cable to 30 lbs.