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Search results for feet

Day 3: Cable Pulley Station, Low Row Seated, cable pulley station, low row. Feet together fully extended sitting upright. Grab hold of both handles and row through keeping your elbows as close to your sides as possible. Begin setting the cable to 60 lbs.
Day 3: Dumbbell Deadlift Dead Lift. Line dumbbells up together with your feet centered with the handles. Leaning forward, lower your hamstrings down 80%. Tuck your chin looking at the bottom of the wall. Make sure your knees are tracking over your ankles. Finish the lift without thrusting your hips forward. Begin with 50 lb dumbbells.
Day 4: Elbow Flaring Upward Row Feet shoulder width, elbow flaring upward row. Raise both dumbbells up together to chin. Begin with 10 lb dumbbells.
Day 4: Elbow Flaring Upward Row Feet shoulder width, elbow flaring upward row. Raise both dumbbells up together to chin. Begin with 10 lb dumbbells.
Day 4: Feet Stacked, Side Plank Reach High to Under Feet stacked, side plank, reach high to under. Balance by lining your forearm up with your shoulder.
Day 4: Incline Bench, Frontal Raise Incline bench 45 degrees, frontal raise. Bring feet together to prevent swiping leg with weights. Keep elbows slightly bent. Raise to chest level bringing dumbbells together. Begin with 10 lb dumbbells.
Day 4: Incline Bench, Frontal Raise Incline bench 45 degrees, frontal raise. Bring feet together to prevent swiping leg with weights. Keep elbows slightly bent. Raise to chest level bringing dumbbells together. Begin with 5 lb dumbbells.
Day 4: V Sit Extensions Knees in and out V Sit Extensions Knees in and out. Slightly lean back and elevate your knees to a v position. Extend legs fully keeping your feet slightly off the ground. Drive your knees back into your chest. Keep your palms down facing forward. Keep your elbows from flaring.
Day 4: V Sit Russian Twist V Sit Russian Twist. Slightly lean back elevating knees to V position. Interlock your hands twisting side to side. Keep feet six inches off the floor.
Day 5: Alternating Dumbbell Hammer Curls Feet shoulder width, alternating dumbbell hammer curls. Keep elbows slightly bent. Keep knees slightly bent. Begin with 15 lb dumbbells.
Day 5: Bodyweight Floor Dips Bodyweight floor dips. Keep palms down, hands facing forward. Keep elbows from flaring and feet flat.
Day 5: Feet Stacked, Side Plank Reach High to Under Feet stacked, side plank, reach high to under. Balance by lining your forearm up with your shoulder.
Day 5: Feet Stacked, Side Plank Reach High to Under Feet stacked, side plank, reach high to under. Balance by lining your forearm up with your shoulder.
Day 5: Kettlebell Forearm Curl Feet shoulder width, kettlebell forearm curl. Keep elbows tight to body curling weight from your belt to your chin. Begin with 30 lb kettlebell.
Day 6: Bent Arm, Dumbbell Pull Over To Chest Press Bent arm, dumbbell pull over to chest press. Laying flat on your back with your feet up on the bench will prevent your back from arching during the pull over. On the chest press keep your elbows in as close to your sides as possible. Begin with 10 lb dumbbells.
Day 6: Bent Arm, Dumbbell Pull Over To Chest Press Bent arm, dumbbell pull over to chest press. Laying flat on your back with your feet up on the bench will prevent your back from arching during the pull over. On the chest press keep your elbows in as close to your sides as possible. Begin with 10 lb dumbbells.
Day 6: Dumbbell Front Squat Dumbbell front squat. Feet shoulder width with the dumbbells resting on your shoulders. Toes pointed out slightly. Keep elbows tight and parallel to the floor. This will put emphasis on your core. Begin with 35 lb dumbbells.
Day 6: Dumbbell Resistant Lateral Leg Raise Dumbbell resistant lateral leg raise. Start with the feet together and the dumbbell resting on the outside of the thigh. Begin with a 15 lb dumbbell.
Day 6: Jump Rope Jump Rope. Stay on the balls of your feet throughout the exercise preventing yourself from bending the knees.
Day 6: V Sit Kettlebell Chest Press V sit kettlebell chest press. Slightly lean back while seated. Elevate your knees to a v position keeping your feet six inches off the ground. Keep your elbows from flaring. Begin with 15 lb kettlebell.
Day 6: V Sit Kettlebell Chest Press V sit kettlebell chest press. Slightly lean back while seated. Elevate your knees to a v position keeping your feet six inches off the ground. Keep your elbows from flaring. Begin with 15 lb kettlebell.
How to understand Albert Einstein's general theory of relativity The Independent It’s the year 2100. You wake up alone in a small, windowless room. The only other thing in the room is a small ball. Maybe the room is located in your city, but maybe it’s inside that new spaceship everyone’s talking about. How can you tell? You pick up the ball and drop it. It falls vertically to your feet. You time the fall and calculate that the ball accelerates at 9.8 metres per second per second, exactly the acceleration of gravity at the surface of the Earth.
Wetfeet Free to Stern students. Gives you access to valuable resources on the job searching process... Interviewing, resumes, industries, companies, and so on.