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Search results for Results

Artme custom facade ArtMe is the latest, unique facade surface treatment that allows literally unlimited shapes, patterns and visual effects to be reproduced for dramatic, individual and expressive results and to allow 100% individual expression on facade envelope design. The power of ArtMe expression comes from the 3D continuously formed steel sheet surface, where the observed effect changes for each little alteration of the environment.
Beware online filter bubbles: Eli Pariser - YouTube Eli Pariser, Board President of MoveOn’s board and a senior fellow at the Roosevelt Institute, delivers a Ted Talk on how the online Filter Bubble diminishes our world view. Web companies tailor their services, ads, news and search results to meet our personal tastes, with dangerous unintended consequence.
Google Analytics Solutions - Web Analytics & Marketing Measurement – Google Turn insights into action. Get stronger results across all your sites, apps, and offline channels. Google Analytics Solutions helps you turn customer insights into real gains.
Google Search Console Use Search Console to monitor Google Search results data for your properties.
Google Search Console Use Search Console to monitor Google Search results data for your properties.
Hootsuite: Social Media Marketing & Management Dashboard Hootsuite is another great tool for sharing automating you the sharing of your content. We use Buffer, but we are interested to hear if anyone recommends Hootsuite. Enhance your social media management with Hootsuite, the leading social media dashboard. Manage multiple networks and profiles and measure your campaign results.
How a School Library Increased Student Use by 1,000 Percent | Cult of Pedagogy Some school libraries are reinventing themselves as makerspaces, but this Ohio library took a slightly different approach and has seen incredible results. Pure360's Email Marketing Software offers useful tools to personalise, target, and automate your email marketing. Begin improving your results today.
Muay Thai vs. Kickboxing: The Legendary Fight That Changed History - YouTube How would a champion boxer do against a champion kickboxer? Several boxers have stepped up to the challenge, and the results are mostly the same. The weapons...
RankSense: Reclaiming SEO Revenue for Retailers RankSense SIA is a groundbreaking Search Inclusion Automation platform for e-commerce sites. SIA dramatically slashes the amount of time it takes to see SEO results. Rather than slogging through weeks of hard work auditing and implementing SEO best practices, you can now let SIA do the heavy lifting for you. SIA increases your site's organic traffic and revenue by getting a lot more pages indexed, in a fraction of the time it would take to do the same work manually. | You are the content you publish Professionals: Create and grow your online presence in minutes by publishing curated content. || Marketers, business owners and agencies: Save time producing and promoting content. Get intelligent and actionable recommendations to amplify your results.
Smore Beautiful and easy to use newsletters for fast and easy mailing lists? Get stylish, effective results in 5 minutes or less.
Social Media Management Dashboard - Hootsuite Enhance your social media management with Hootsuite, the leading social media dashboard. Manage multiple networks and profiles and measure your campaign results.
Social Media Marketing & Management Dashboard - Hootsuite Enhance your social media management with Hootsuite, the leading social media dashboard. Manage multiple networks and profiles and measure your campaign results.
Social Media Marketing & Management Dashboard - Hootsuite Enhance your social media management with Hootsuite, the leading social media dashboard. Manage multiple networks and profiles and measure your campaign results.
Stride: Agile Software Development Consultancy NYC Want to Build a Better Software? Let us make your vision a reality. Our Agile Software Developers at Stride are dedicated to delivering real results fast.
Stumpedia Stumpedia is a personalized social & real-time collaborative discovery tool that relies on human participation to index, organize, and review the world wide web. Stumpedia does not depend on automated bots, proprietary algorithms, or company insiders to make decisions on the relevance and ranking of search results. Stumpedia allows you to submit, rank, and personalize your own search results. The relevance of search results are unique to you and are determined by your social graph in the following order: you, your social network friends, friends-of-friends, your followers, and the overall community. A spammer who submits and ranks irrelevant results can be easily identified, blocked, and unfollowed to prevent your search results from being polluted. Users can personalize and customize search results by re-ranking, deleting, adding, and commenting on search results. This data is used to determine the relevancy of search results for the people in your social graph and vice versa. We enable users around the world to share their knowledge and interests with one another and provide an alternative to traditional search. Users are encouraged to create custom content pages for any possible search term in the world and submit links that will help people find relevant results and answers to their search requests. Links to social bookmarks, social profiles, blogs, new stories, authoriative articles, videos, images, and web pages are welcomed. Share your knowledge and interests with the world and help people search and surf the world wide web. Join us in our mission to democratize search and the media. They allow you to upvote individual sites. We literally let other people do the work for you and put it all in one place. Also we organize it in a much more user friendly way.
SurveyMonkey: Free online survey software & questionnaire tool Create and publish online surveys in minutes, and view results graphically and in real time. SurveyMonkey provides free online questionnaire and survey software.
Tim Ferriss' Interview: Peter Diamandis If you want to 10x or 100x your results and impact, this interview with Tony Robbins and Peter Diamandis is a must listen. Where else can you find two people who regularly advise everyone from Serena Williams to Bill Clinton, from NASA to the world's fastest growing companies? Here's their next p...
Tim Ferriss' Interview: Tony Robbins If you want to 10x or 100x your results and impact, this interview with Tony Robbins and Peter Diamandis is a must listen. Where else can you find two people who regularly advise everyone from Serena Williams to Bill Clinton, from NASA to the world's fastest growing companies? Here's their next p...
WIPO - Search International and National Patent Collections This patent search tool allows you not only to search the PCT database of about 2 million International Applications but also the worldwide patent collections. This search facility features: flexible search syntax; automatic word stemming and relevance ranking; as well as graphical results.
Zotero | Home Zotero is a powerful, easy-to-use research tool that helps you gather, organize, and analyze sources and then share the results of your research.