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Search results for Facts

NewseumED Brought to you by the Newseum in Washington, D.C., this website is FULL of primary sources, artifacts, and collections centered on topics such as freedom of speech, women's suffrage, media literacy and so much more. LOTS of great stuff here especially for history/social studies classes.
NPR's All Tech Considered Article - Fake News Or Real? How To Self-Check The News And Get The Facts Experts offer tips to help you sniff out fact from fake. This article would be great for high school educators and provides some excellent links within the article.
Quick Fact Sheet This a fact sheet provided by the National Museum of the US Air Force. It also has links to other great resources.
Ship logs and journals from Easter Island visits Old personal reports from early visitors to Easter Island are truly an interesting read since they are written by the hand of a first-hand whitness. Though, it should also be remembered that the authors were often not very scientific, but rather wrote how they personally perceived the situation.
Tim Ferriss' Interview: Sebastian Junger The point of journalism is to tell the truth. It is not to improve society. There are facts and truths that feel regressive, but that doesn't matter. The point of journalism isn't to make everything better; it's to give people accurate information about how things are.
United States (U.S.) Constitution for Kids — Activities, Quizzes, Puzzles, & More | Constitution Facts Fun U.S. Constitution Activities for Kids from Visit Us Online to Learn More.
‘Making a Murderer’ Left Out Crucial Facts, Prosecutor Says While the documentary ‘Making A Murderer’ has been incredibly successful, the lead prosecutor against Steven Avery argues the show has left out some key details that point to Avery’s guilt. This New York Times article discusses the key evidence that the lead prosecutor Ken Kratz said the documentary left out. The key evidence is: - That evidence included DNA from Mr. Avery’s sweat was found on a latch under the hood of the victim’s car. - Mr. Avery’s blood was found inside the victim’s vehicle. - a bullet the vicims DNA on it was found in Mr. Avery’s garage and was matched to a rifle that hung over Mr. Avery’s bed. While the documentary ‘Making A Murderer’ has been incredibly successful, the lead prosecutor against Steven Avery argues the show has left out some key details that point to Avery’s guilt. This New York Times article discusses the key evidence that the lead prosecutor Ken Kratz said the documentary left out. The key evidence is: - That evidence included DNA from Mr. Avery’s sweat was found on a latch under the hood of the victim’s car. - Mr. Avery’s blood was found inside the victim’s vehicle. - a bullet the vicims DNA on it was found in Mr. Avery’s garage and was matched to a rifle that hung over Mr. Avery’s bed.