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PiktochartGreat tool to make infographics. It does have a little bit of a learning curve, but it could be an interesting way to have students present information they've researched that isn't a paper.
SmoreA fast and SUPER easy tool for students to create a blog, newsletter, or journal entries. Might work well for a reading log or as a classroom newsletter to parents.
StoryMapJSI haven't played around with this tool as much as some of the others, but it has a lot of potential. It lets you upload a variety of media into maps.
CanvaCanva lets you create really stunning graphics, posters, images, infographics, etc with ease. It also allows for collaboration, so students can work together. It's been around a while, but if you haven't tried it, give it a shot!
Book CreatorCreate ebooks online. You can include pictures and video straight from Google. Students can complete them individually, as a team, or even as a class.
NewseumEDBrought to you by the Newseum in Washington, D.C., this website is FULL of primary sources, artifacts, and collections centered on topics such as freedom of speech, women's suffrage, media literacy and so much more. LOTS of great stuff here especially for history/social studies classes.
Tour CreatorBuild virtual 360 tours of practically anything. Think small: tours of the human body. Or a certain city, country, or even the solar system. The possibilities for this tool seem limitless.
WebjetsThis tool is similar to Padlet, but is a little more flexible. Create boards where you can store and organize all kinds of stuff: videos, pictures, and articles. Could be used as idea boards or create class boards for discussions.
InsertLearningInsert instructional content into any web page. NOTE: This Google Add On is currently blocked by RCSS--I am working on getting us access to it.
Explain EverythingAn online whiteboard--perfect for remote realtime collaboration. Start a session, add images, drawings, or files. I thought this could be interesting for math classrooms.
ProWritingAidThis tool is revolutionary for writing. Not only does it provide a spelling and grammar checker, it gives feedback on diction, style, sentence length, passive voice and SO much more. It's amazing how much you get for free with this tool.
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