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SC Native American Websites

South Carolina - Indians, Native Americans - Catawba Information about the Catawba, including their history and current status as well as their dwellings, food, clothing, and tribal beliefs and practices. Lists of related online and printed resources are also provided.
South Carolina - Indians, Native Americans - Cherokee Information about the Cherokee, including their history and current status as well as their dwellings, food, clothing, and tribal beliefs and practices. Lists of related online and printed resources are also provided.
South Carolina - Indians, Native Americans - Yemassee Information about the Yemassee, including their history and current status as well as their dwellings, food, clothing, and tribal beliefs and practices. Lists of related online and printed resources are also provided.
Cherokee Tribe: Facts, Clothes, Food and History *** Check out this site for interesting facts about the Cherokee tribe. Food, clothing, homes, weapons and culture of the Cherokee people. Interesting facts about the Cherokee nation of the Southeast group. Americans pdf.pdf Information about Cherokee, Catawba, and Yamasee tribes. (It works even though the picture says it doesn't)
Cherokee Facts The Cherokee are an indigenous Native American tribe, originally from the regions of Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Tennessee, Kentucky, and Virginia. In the 1800s they were forced along the Trail of Tears to Oklahoma, but many died along the way of this terrible ordeal. Some Cherokee managed to hide in the Appalachians or with neighbors who felt it was unjust that they were forced from their lands. Descendants of the original Cherokee Natives can be found today in Oklahoma and scattered in their original regions. While most Cherokee today speak English, many also speak the Cherokee Indian language.
Facts for Kids: Cherokee Indians (Cherokees) Information about the Cherokee Indians for students and teachers. Covers Cherokee tribes in Oklahoma and North Carolina, with facts about Cherokee Indian food, clothing, houses, villages, art and crafts, weapons and tools, legends, and customs of the Cherokee people.
Facts for Kids: Catawba Indians (Catawbas) Information about the Catawba Indians for kids and other students. Includes facts about Catawba Indian food, clothing, dwellings, artifacts, and customs.


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