George has been sifting through search results for a while...
This Webreel has been created to assist classroom teachers, school librarians, and parents with educating children about digital citizenship. Children today have access to so much information on the web. They are connected to the world and others at the click of a button. It is our responsibility to help them develop good citizenship in the virtual world. Just as a parent teaches a small child to look both ways before crossing the street or not trust strangers that approach them in the park, we need to help children become aware of proper procedures when using the computer. Many children do not understand that you might be alone when using the computer, but you are not truly alone. We must teach them to be kind, show respect, and think before you act when using the internet. In this Webreel, you will find videos for parents, teachers, and children, as well as helpful articles, and standards with lesson plans for teaching these skills.
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