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John Lawrence's Rep 15 Program

dotFIT Store With support from NASM, Neal Spruce and team created dotFIT, a complete nutrition and exercise resource for consumers and the fitness industry.
Introduction Video: START HERE Welcome to the Rep 15 Strength Training Program! Start here with a quick video overview of how to use the program and the methodology.
Day 1: Dumbbell Halo Dumbbell halo. Standing with your feet shoulder width, circle your head with the dumbbell rotating the weight around, behind and in front of you. Begin with 15 lb dumbbell.
Day 1: Lateral Dumbbell Fly Lateral dumbbell fly. Kick hips back. Bring feet together with a slightly forward lean for proper back alignment. Begin with 10 lb dumbbells.
Day 1: Kettlebell Forearm Curl Feet shoulder width, kettlebell forearm curl. Keep elbows tight to body curling weight from your belt to your chin. Begin with 20 lb kettlebell.
Day 1: Chair Sit Cross Body Curls Chair sit, cross body curls. Keep knees tracking over ankles. Keep chest upright to engage core. Begin with 10 lb dumbbells.
Day 1: Diamond Knee Push Ups Diamond knee push ups. Bring hands together in shape of a diamond with thumbs and pointers touching directly under chest.
Day 1: Dumbbell Baby Arm Circles Dumbbell Baby Arm Circles. Your feet should be together with your arms parallel to the floor. Perform a circular movement keeping your elbows slightly bent. Begin with 5 lb dumbbells.
Day 1: Elbow Flaring Upward Row Feet shoulder width, elbow flaring upward row. Raise both dumbbells up together to chin. Begin with 10 lb dumbbells.


There is one comment in this webreel.


William Corey posted on 03/01/2017 09:52

Complete three rounds of each exercise at 15 repetitions a piece. Include 20-25 minutes of cardio on a machine of your choice.

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