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The Rep 15 Strength Training Program

The Rep 15 Strength Training Program is an exercise plan designed around YOUR medical history, goals, muscle imbalances, and current fitness level. The purpose is to replace body fat with lean muscle tissue through high repetition. By combining balance, compound, isolation and cardio exercises into your routine, will insure that you are managing your heart rate and exertion levels effectively. (15 is the chosen number of repetitions) for the program for several reasons. The benefits include muscle memory, an increase of muscle endurance, injury reduction, improved body composition, pain free full range of motion and faster recovery time. Each workout is arranged to pick a weight that you feel comfortable doing between (8-15 repetitions). For every repetition you come up short of the half way point (8 repetitions), it is recommended to drop down (5-10 lbs) depending on the machine, or dumbbell options available. Once you have accomplished the original goal of (15 repetitions), it is time to move on to the next exercise on the agenda. Once you have completed (1 round) of all of the exercises planned for that day, repeat the sequence at the weight you left off at rather than what you had started with to prevent muscle strain or possible injury. Within (1 hour), you should complete (2-3 rounds) of (6-7 exercises), achieving (180-315 repetitions) for that particular muscle group. (15-20 minutes of cardio) should be included prior, during or after. Working out at a consistent pace while staying in an efficient heart rate zone will force your body to go into the after-burn effect also known as excess post exercise oxygen consumption or EPOC. Several studies suggest that there is a strong correlation between the number of calories burned post exercise and your exercise intensity. The after-burn effect climaxes in the first hour following exercise and declines thereafter lasting anywhere from (10-72 hours). In today's world, working out is a lifestyle decision and in order to stay consistent we must understand the proper protocol involving muscle recovery. There are many important aspects that go into recovering the body and preventing disease or injury which include nutrition, foam rolling to break up muscle tension, stretching, and sleep just to name a few. All of these things will factor into your performance and play a pivotal role in every aspect of your life. Join today, and make it a better tomorrow! It is never too late to get started on establishing the self confidence, improved energy, and reducing your risk of heart disease, diabetes and other forms of metabolic syndrome naturally. If not for anyone else, you owe it to yourself to live a much happier and healthy life!


Video Access 3 Month Program: ($99.99). With this plan, you are to submit an in depth medical history questionnaire prior to establishing your membership. I will personally provide safe and effective exercises based on your fitness level, medications, prior injuries or diseases that you have encountered. There is an Exertrainment Inc. Liability Waiver that must be signed and returned along with the medical documentation prior to joining. All of these documents are uploaded within the Exertrainment Inc. Webreel. If you have any questions, contact me directly at 703-963-6607.


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