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Peter Haig's USC Films

Peter Haig is graduate student and filmmaker based in Los Angeles, California. Currently Peter entering his fourth semester at the USC School of Cinematic Arts where he is working toward an M.F.A in Film & Television Production program with a focus on writing and directing.
After spending time in law school Peter decided his passion resides in writing and storytelling. Through the vehicle of film, Peter has found an outlet to capture unique personal experiences and share them with audiences.
Peter received his B.A. from Rice University in Houston, TX. He studied screenwriting at the New York Film Academy. Peter completed a certificate program at The Institute for Documentary Filmmaking at The George Washington University where he helped produce and direct an award winning documentary short. Peter also completed courses at NYU's Tisch School of the Arts where he wrote and directed an award winning short Hollow Victory.

This collection is a curation of all of his films and projects made while at USC.

Peter Haig's USC Application film - Hollow Victory Password: peterh - This video was used on my USC application. It was shot in a day while I was at an NYU summer program. While I was making the film my twin brother was deployed in Afghanistan. The combat footage is curated from his helmet camera as well as other soldiers in his platoon. - Official Selection: NYU Sight and Sound Showcase Fall 2014. - Official Selection: USA Film Festival 2015. - FINALIST in the USA Film Festival's International Short Film Competition 2015. - Official Selection: GI Film Festival 2015. - Official Selection: Best Shorts Competition. Winner: Award of Merit Special Mention. - Official Selection: 2015 Central Florida Film Festival - Official Selection: Chain NYC Film Festival 2015
Peter Haig's P1 - Return To Sender Starring Mark Crawford as Leon. This is my P1. The first film I made at USC.
Peter Haig's P2 - Murray Password: Murray - Starring: Chip Carey as Dwight & Hector Garcia as Seth. This is my P2. My second USC film made in my first semester.
Peter Haig's 508 - Happiness for Hire Password: happy - Starring: Ky Soto as Billy, Wahayn Inello Clayton as Lester, Pauline Schantzer as Matilda, Matt Baca as Arturo. This is my 508 project done in my third semester at USC.
Peter Haig's 532 Directing Scene I - Lost In Translation - Starring: Will Gibson as Bob Harris, Laura Bilgeri as Charlotte. This scene is from was shot in my third semester as a directing exercise for my 532 class. It is from Sofia Coppola's Lost in Translation.
Peter Haig 532 Black Box Scene - Lost in Translation Password: 532 - Starring: Will Gibson as Bob Harris, Laura Bilgeri as Charlotte. This scene is from was shot in my third semester as a minimalistic black box directing exercise for my 532 class. It is from Sofia Coppola's Lost in Translation.
Peter Haig's 506 - The Other Side of Midnight Starring Matt Baca - This was shot in my third Semester for my 506 project.


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