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Firms and Markets: NYU Stern: Fall 2015 Professor Said

Here are some resources I put together for my Firms and Markets class at NYU Stern, Fall 2015, for Professor Said. I kept out anything that would be considered cheating to share. The two best resources by far are the study guide cheatsheets. You can have a page of notes for each exam and these helped me a ton. I got an A- in the class so I am by no means an expert, but this stuff helped.

Firms test 1 study guide.docx This is by far on of the best resources in this WebReel. For the tests you can bring in one sheet of note and this should have all the equations you need.
Firms test 2 study guide.docx This is one of the best resources in this pack. It is a solid cheatsheet for the one page of notes you can use for the test.
BROADWAY FINAL.pptx This is a PPT of our final presentation on the Broadway Ticket market.
Derivative Calculator This is a Derivatives calculator. It is a great way to check your work.
finance89CALC.pdf This is a quick cheatsheet of how to uses the ti89 calc for certain calculations.
WolframAlpha Widget: Foil Calculator This is a quick calculator to double check anythin FOIL solving


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