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Kidfund Turn sharing into savings. Build a fund for your child's future. Engage friends and family. Donate a portion to accounts for kids in need. It's completely free, fun and easy to use. Kidfund is on a mission to build assets for ALL kids. Almost half of all kids in the US live in low-income households or below the poverty line. As one of the wealthiest nations in the world, we can do better. So, in addition to offering an app that helps parents build their own child’s fund, we offer a slider in settings to donate a percentage of your child’s account into college savings accounts for low-income kids. At scale, it’s a systemic platform to voluntarily give money to kids who need it — increasing educational attainment and economic mobility. Join us!
Maria Popova (@brainpicker) Twitter Maria Popova official Twitter
Maria Popova Official Website: Brain Pickings An inventory of cross-disciplinary interestingness, spanning art, science, design, history, philosophy, and more.
SPENT Urban Ministries of Durham serves over 6000 people every year who struggle with poverty and homelessness. Spent is an interactive game created by McKinney that challenges you to manage your money, raise a child and make it through the month getting paid minimum wage after a stretch of unemployment. Because we’re all only a paycheck or three away from needing to ask for help.
SPENT Urban Ministries of Durham serves over 6000 people every year who struggle with poverty and homelessness. Spent is an interactive game created by McKinney that challenges you to manage your money, raise a child and make it through the month getting paid minimum wage after a stretch of unemployment. Because we’re all only a paycheck or three away from needing to ask for help.
The Complete Pink Floyd: The Ultimate Reference: Glenn Povey: 9781454918691: Books The Complete Pink Floyd: The Ultimate Reference [Glenn Povey] on FREE shipping on qualifying offers. This is THE essential book for all Pink Floyd fans: the most amazingly comprehensive guide to the band’s entire career
Tim Ferriss' Interview: Maria Popova Why put in the effort to explain why it isn't a fit, if they haven't done the homework to determine if it is a fit? - Maria Popova [1:23:00] Maria Popova has written for amazing outlets like The Atlantic and The New York Times, but I find her most amazing project to be