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Sitting is the new smoking

More and more studies are coming out showing how detrimental excessive sitting is. Even worse, consistent exercise and a good diet can't combat the negative effects of too much sitting.

How Sitting Too Much Is Making Us Sick and Fat - And What to Do About It Too much sitting is associated with numerous problems, ranging from weight gain, to osteoporosis, to cardiovascular disease.
Sitting All Day Is Worse For You Than You Might Think : NPR Scientists are discovering that people who sit more have higher levels of cholesterol, blood sugar and triglycerides and even bigger waist sizes. But breaking up a day of inactivity with movement, even if just for a few minutes, can make a difference.
Dan’s Plan Eat Move Sleep Blog VIDEO: Daily workouts can’t undo damage done from sitting all day (Rock Center) Achieve optimal heath in a modern world. Dan's Plan programs and tools are free and help you become an Intelligent Eater, an Enduring Mover, and a Restorative Sleeper.
Dan’s Plan Eat Move Sleep Blog How Do You Prevent Heart Disease? (Vitamin D might not help, but there’s plenty you can do) Achieve optimal heath in a modern world. Dan's Plan programs and tools are free and help you become an Intelligent Eater, an Enduring Mover, and a Restorative Sleeper.
Obesity expert says daily workouts can't undo damage done from sitting all day - Rock Center with Brian Williams By Mary MurphyRock Center Americans sit more than ever before – at work, at school, even at play.  Chained to your chair? Well, obesity expert Dr. James Levine calls that dangerous behavior. Like tobacco, he says, sitting is hazardous to your health.  “Sitt …
Sitting risks: How harmful is too much sitting? - Mayo Clinic Sitting for extended periods — such as in front of the TV or at a desk — appears to increase the risk of death from cardiovascular disease and cancer.
The Roundup Blast from the Past You might want to stand up for this one: yet another study suggests that a single bout of exercise alone is not enough to mitigate the harmful effects of too much sitting.
Is Sitting a Lethal Activity? - A growing body of research suggests that watching your diet and exercising a few times a week is not enough to offset sedentary time.
Leisure Time Spent Sitting in Relation to Total Mortality in a Prospective Cohort of US Adults A study of over 100,00 Americans found that those that sat for more than six hours a day had up to a 40 percent greater risk of death over the next 15 years than those that sat for less than three hours a day.
Your Personal Paleo Code Chris Kresser's New Book Great Resource for overall health. Great section on problems and solutions for too much sitting. Chris Kresser's new book, Your Personal Paleo Code. Using the Paleo diet as a starting place, Your Personal Paleo Code is a 3-step plan to lose weight, reverse disease and stay fit and healthy for life.
8 Signs You Are Overtraining Mark's Daily Apple Too much sitting can lead to overtraining in an attempt to combat the inactivity.
Cause Of Sleep Deprivation Has An Easy Fix - Business Insider Our bodies have a natural rhythm. But it's not always enough on its own.


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