
Knowledge Marketplace
The hunt for the most incredible Wordpress theme in the Universe

Giveaway ended. Stay tuned to find out the winner!

Enter for your chance to

Win a custom website

$3,000 Value

I know how much you want to launch your website, blog, or online store. So I decided to help you start 2017 strong! I will design and build a professional custom website or online store for one lucky individual anywhere in the world - absolutely free, based on a beautiful premium WordPress theme! Here's how this works - I'm looking for your help to find the best WordPress theme in the Universe - I already put together a webreel of some of the best themes I've seen, so just enter before the time is up, and vote for the theme you like the most. If you don't see a theme you think is the best - leave a comment and I'll add it! The winner will be selected randomly and you can increase your chances to win by sharing this on social networks and tagging it #webreelhunt!

About Vlad Khomutov

Webreel Co-founder, Serial entrepreneur

In the past seventeen years Vlad founded eight technology companies, ran two consulting agencies, had an app nominated by Apple as New & Noteworthy, helped more than twenty startups go to market, and designed digital products for eleven Fortune 500 brands. His track record with e-commerce goes back to the late 90’s and includes leading design for Canada’s largest online store - Rogers.com.